Written by Alexis Mitchell UNCC ‘18 Individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder can be emotionally triggered by their environments. This can occur when something in the individual’s environment “sets off” a memory or an intrusive thought, either about or related to a previous traumatic experience. Often enough, these individuals may respond to environmental triggers in a dysfunctional […]
Mary Ainsworth and the Strange Situation Procedure
-Written by Katie Little ’18 Attachment theory was originally used to study mother-infant bonding. The term was coined by John Bowlby, but one of its most famous applications was with Mary Ainsworth’s strange situation procedure (To watch a video of Mary Ainsworth’s procedure, please see below.). In a 1970 article co-authored by Sylvia Bell, Ainsworth described attachment as […]
Autobiographical Memories and Intimacy
Written by Alexis Mitchell UNCC ’18 Self-disclosure, the act of sharing self-relevant information with others, has been a common research topic for those studying intimacy in relationships. Another topic among research surrounding intimacy are the potential benefits of including autobiographical memories into a conversation. An autobiographical memory refers to a memory for something that you […]
College Students and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms
Written by Alexis Mitchell UNCC ‘18 Defined by the American Psychological Association, posttraumatic stress disorder is an anxiety problem that develops in some people after extremely traumatic events (2013). People with PTSD may relive the event by having intrusive memories, flashbacks, and nightmares. They may avoid anything that reminds them of the trauma and have […]
Concepts of Emotional Intelligence
Written by Alexis Mitchell UNCC ‘18 Emotional intelligence is defined as a subset of social intelligence. Social intelligence can be broadly defined as our ability to get along with others and getting them to cooperate with you. Simplistically put, people skills. Furthermore, emotional intelligence is defined by Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer as the “ability […]
Discourse Around Trigger Warnings
Written by Alexis Mitchell UNCC ‘18 Recent debate surrounding trigger warnings has provoked public attention around issues of critical thinking, academic freedom, trauma, and generally what is best for formal education institutions. Students and professors are requesting trigger warnings in order to flag material that might cause distress or discomfort, or possibly trigger a panic […]
Women, Trauma, and Prolonged Exposure
Written by Alexis Mitchell UNCC’ 18 Approximately 50% of all individuals will be exposed to one traumatic event in their lifetime. Notably, 8% of trauma survivors will develop Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Research indicates that women are twice as likely to develop PTSD, experience a longer duration of posttraumatic symptoms, and display more sensitivity to […]
What Does Attachment Theory Tell Us about Romantic Love?
-Written by Katie Little ’18 Before 1987, attachment theory, as developed by Bowlby and Ainsworth, primarily focused on how infants develop bonds with their primary caregivers. It divided attachment styles into three major categories—secure, avoidant, and anxious/ambivalent. Bowlby suggested that securely attached infants go through a series of emotional reactions when separated from their mothers. […]
Does Exposure to Parental Divorce and Separation Affect How We Experience Romantic Relationships?
-Written by Katie Little ’18 Today, more than 90 percent of adults in Western cultures marry by the age of 50; however, about 40 to 50 percent of those marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate increases to be even higher after the first marriage (Marriage & Divorce). Given the prevalence of divorce, there is […]
Summer in the MAP Lab!
Welcome to the Summer 2016 MAP Lab Blog! Over the next few weeks, we will be very busy in the lab – we are starting exciting new research projects, continuing work begun by the lab in 2015-2016, and preparing to present our research at upcoming conferences. We’ll be using this space to share information about […]
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